There are a number of different variables that can interfere with or prevent tasks from properly crediting your account. Please keep in mind that does not have any control over how tasks are tracked and approved. The 3rd party advertiser has the final say as to whether or not a task you completed is eligible for credit based on the information they receive from their analytics and tracking. immediately credits users for every completed task approved by the advertiser. Most of the time, tasks are approved instantly, but some tasks are not.
If you successfully completed a task according to the requirements and did not receive credit, it could be due to one or more of the following reasons:
- If you are using a proxy or external web service, your account will not be credited.
- If you provide false information, your submission will not pass the validity test, the advertiser will reject your submission, and your account will not be credited.
- If you are using a browser extension that effectively blocks cookies or an ad blocker program, your account may not be credited.
- If your web browser does not accept third-party cookies, your account may not be credited.
- If you have already completed the same offer on another site, your account may not be credited.
- If you or your geographic location have been flagged for abuse, your account will not be credited.
For suggestions and tips to increase your odds of receiving credit for successfully completed tasks, please see the next question.