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Who created bitcoin?

Who created bitcoin?
10/02/2019 Coin Tasker

Satoshi Nakamoto is the creator of bitcoin. Satoshi Nakamoto is a pseudonym of the person (or persons) who developed bitcoin, and while many people have tried to claim they are the true idendity of Nakamoto, none have proven to be valid claims and the real idendity of the creator of bitcoin remains anonymous to this day. Nakamoto created and deployed bitcoin’s original reference implementation following his publication of the original bitcoin white paper, making him the disputable creator of bitcoin. Nakamoto is also known for creating the blockchain database, the underlying technology all cryptocurrencies are built upon. Nakamoto created bitcoin in 2009 and was active in the development of bitcoin up until December 2010. In April 2011, his last official email said “I HAVE moved on to other things.” Nakamoto has not been heard from since.

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