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Why was my withdrawal request placed on hold?

Why was my withdrawal request placed on hold?
06/27/2019 Coin Tasker

Unfortunately, about 95% of withdrawal request are placed on hold for security reasons. Because Coin Tasker is a reliable website that gives out free bitcoins for completing tasks, the very nature of giving away free money makes us a heavily targeted system for fraudulent activity. In order for Coin Tasker to remain sustainable, we are forced to implement a system that combats fraud. The majority of our advertising partners have their own fraud systems in place, which typically takes 30 days for task completions to process and pass. After 30 days, we manually check with our advertisers to verify your task completions have passed their fraud test and if they do in fact pass, we pay you promptly. If we find that you have completed multiple tasks that have been reversed due to fraud, your withdrawal will be cancelled and your account may be banned. If we find that you had a single task that was reversed, we typically give you the benefit of the doubt and we refund your balance minus the reversal. This system is crucial for us to be able to afford paying our members, and if this system was not in place, we would already be out of business. We fully understand how frustrating it can be to have to wait 30 days to receive your funds, but please be aware that this is for you just as much as it is for us. We enjoy giving you free bitcoins just as much as you enjoy receiving them and without this system we would all be out of luck. You are always welcome to contact us directly, but please know that we can not release funds early unless 100% of your withdrawal earnings are from bonuses and /or tasks that do not have the potential to be reversed. As soon as you start completing 3rd party tasks, we are forced to verify those task completions with our advertisers, and none of our partners verify tasks any faster than 30 days. So please do remain patient, and rest assured that if you completed tasks honestly and fairly, you will be paid promptly as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience in this matter.

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